Board title - configurable field (list/gantt/dashboard)
I created a dashboard with a widget for the tasks I need to do today (similar to Microsoft's My Day). It is a nice view, but I can't see what board the tasks are from. For example, I have two tasks with the same name, but they are on different boards. Please add the ability to have a column with board name. Row name would probably be helpful too.
Merged in a post:
Add Board Name Field to Item List Widget
Anne Plating
I utilize Item List widgets in Dashboards to gain high-level visibility on tasks assigned to specific specific people or with certain tags. The lists only show the task name however, and since we have many boards (i.e. projects) with similar scopes, it's impossible to know what tasks are associated with what boards without opening it. Adding a Board Name field, and even a row name, would make Item Lists much more useful.
Nick thank you for bringing this up. We already have it in our item field considerations list. The only dilema remains: should we combine board / row or allow picking them separately. Combo example: "Board title / Row title". It would require more space, though it would be only one field, and on hover user can see full location info. What do you think?