Current way of creating projects by using Board, row or even item is too shallow/generic. Users need two different environments, one for project focus and second for team focus. Items can be present at both environments at the same time. To solve this I propose to allow users to create projects instead of boards or rows. A project should allow creating/assigning items to it, attaching files, comments and description. Users should be able to: Have items only in projects without placing them into specific workspace. Add items to workspaces but also keep them in the project. Assign any item from workspace to a specific project Have a single project overview with attachments, description, comments, item list, project Gantt Have an overview of multiple projects at the same time with key data such as: start/end dates, budgets, total tracked time, etc. Assign status to a project (New, Planned, On Track, At risk, Critical, Completed, Closed) By introducing project concept, we would then rename workspaces into Teamspaces to indicate a clear separation of what is a project environment and what is a team environment.